

The study of sharks and rays has been a differential at FURG since the 1980s, attracting students and researchers from all over the world. Currently, the Chondrichthyes Research Center is located in the Morphology Laboratory 2, and is coordinated by Professor Maria Cristina Oddone, from the Morphology Sector (ICB).

Ongoing research projects are related to the following major areas: Developmental Biology (Embryology), Reproductive Biology, Taxonomy, Morphology, Phylogeny, and Fisheries and Conservation of Chondrichthyes.

The undergraduate and graduate students have the opportunity to do field and laboratory work, and also to participate concomitantly in the ongoing Extension projects, such as the Backpack Sharks project, oriented to the Initial Education of schools in the city of Rio Grande; and the collaboration project with the Military Brigade Environmental Command (PATRAM), related to the study of specimens from fishing seizures of endangered species.

First photograph (top): angel shark [Many thanks to @talleslisboa]