The PPGOB has an academic cycle based on semesters: 4 for Master and 8 for Doctorate. All courses are taught in a condensed way with a bi-monthly duration. We currently have 29 registered regular courses that cover a wide range of subjects and areas of study in Marine Sciences.
In order to earn the degree of Master or Doctor in Biological Oceanography, the student must earn a total of 24 or 48 credits, respectively, in courses from the Program, pass the Qualifying Examination (only for doctorate candidates), and be approved in their dissertation or thesis.
Of the total, 2 and 6 credits in the Master and Doctorate, respectively, can be obtained through scientific production, as follows:
A) As the first author, up to 1 (one) credit for each 2 (two) abstracts of papers presented in Conference(s), or for 1 (one) complete publication in conference annals.
B) As the first author, at the discretion of the Coordination, up to 3 (three) credits for work published and/or unconditionally accepted in a scientific journal with an editorial board, or book chapter.
C) As co-author, at the discretion of the Coordination, up to 2 (two) credits for each work published and/or unconditionally accepted in a scientific journal with an editorial board, or book chapter.
In addition, 2 (two) and 4 (four) credits are awarded for the teaching internship of master’s and doctoral students, respectively. Although there are no mandatory courses in the program, some of them are strongly recommended for all students, such as Scientific Methodology I and II and Fundamentals of Oceanography. These courses play an important role in the overall formation of the student, ensuring a minimum baseline of knowledge in Oceanography and assisting in the formulation of research projects.